BF Basics Gameplay

1. General rules

Main goal: a team of PC players must destroy VR Boss in a fixed time (10 minutes).

Victory condition for VR boss:

  1. Stay alive for 10 minutes

  2. Eliminate all PC players

  3. Score victory

Victory condition for PC players:

  1. Stay alive for 10 minutes

  2. Eliminate VR players in less than 10 minutes

  3. Score victory

Both parties have hit points and health bars. VR Boss has more health, PC players have less health, but they also have 5 respawns.

When Boss loses all health it is destroyed and PC players win.

PC players get hit, lose health, and die - and can be respawned 5 times.

Once PC player respawns are depleted - the player turns into an observer to fly above the arena and wait for the battle to finish.

2. VR player

VR player's mechanics and controls

GRIP is a central mechanic for VR players to interact with the world with the help of claws controlled by controllers.

Grip Move - to move around the arena, cling to the environment geometry by pressing and holding the Trigger, and actively pull yourself to the point you holding on. Movement does not work when clinging to destructible pillars and VR pickups.

Jump - tilt thumbsticks (press the upper part of the touchpad on Vive) on both controllers forward and swing arms forward and up from the hips, straightening arms in the process. The motion is similar to preparation for a normal jump when you crouch a bit and swing your arms forward when launching yourself through the air.

Grip Demolish - With the help of claws, the VR boss can cling to certain columns and demolish them, thus weakening the structure of buildings and walkways. Structures require one, two, or more columns to be demolished until the whole building collapses.

To demolish a column - grab the column using Trigger and pull for a few seconds.

VR player can tell which columns can be demolished - notice that destructible columns are highlighted with a blinking shader.

Grip Object - Using the VR claws, the boss character can also tear off interactive objects, or pick them up from the ground. Use TRIGGER to pick up objects. Such items can be used as improvised blunt weapons, dealing damage to PC players, or as a shield, to protect against incoming missiles.

In general, these objects are cars, air conditioners, and other small props.

Grip Throw - VR can also throw picked-up interactive objects to hit PC players. Pick up the desired object by pressing and holding the Trigger. Make a natural swing with your arm and release the Trigger as if you are tossing a stone.

Grip Ragdoll - Similar to interactive objects, the VR boss can grab players with claws and toss them like objects, or smash them against the map geometry, also dealing damage. To catch and hold PC players reach out to a PC player avatar with the claw then press and hold Trigger. PC players are agile, it might take a while to get used to catching those pesky fighters!

Boss Weapons

To activate a special BOSS weapon use the GRIP Button on the Left or Right controller.

VR players can choose in loadout weapon for each hand from four different types:

  1. Laser - deadly laser to scorch PC players from a great distance

  2. Toxin Spewer- creates a toxic cloud that damages PC players

  3. Seismic Hammer - hit geometry to send a powerful shock wave that damages and sets PC players airborne

  4. Power Mace - kill PC players by smashing them with the mace

Each special weapon has an energy indicator on the boss’ hand that displays a charge of the weapon. When the VR boss deals or receives damage - the weapon charges a bit

3. PC players

Basic control keys for PC players - WASD for movement, SPACEBAR to jump, SHIFT to use special abilities.

Mouse for aiming. Left mouse button to shoot, right mouse button to use alternative weapon mode.


PC players have 3 types of weapons in the current game version:

  1. Rocket Launcher - left mouse button to shoot, no alternative weapon mode.

  2. Sniper Rifle - left mouse button to shoot, right mouse button to zoom

  3. Sticky Bomb Launcher - left mouse button to shoot, right mouse button to detonate bomb.

Each weapon has only 2 ammo in the current game version, this is a purposeful design decision.

That means that PC players have to constantly look for a fresh ammo supply and navigate the battle arena.

Special Abilities

PC players have 4 types of special abilities in the current build:

  1. Double leap

  2. Blink

  3. Jetpack

  4. Hook

To activate a special ability use SHIFT.

Each ability has a cooldown before it can be used again. Abilities can be used any number of times.

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